From canceling your Netflix subscription to cutting back on dinner outings, when it comes to your budget, you may have thought you had it all figured out, even your upcoming bail bond payments. But, did you ever think about that tax refund you’re expecting to...

One arrest doesn’t have to ruin your entire life, especially if it is one where you were eligible for bail. Anyone who isn’t eligible for bail most likely committed a really awful crime which could really damage their reputation but because you’re not that person,...

Even though posting bail is a very expensive cost, is a cost that is most worth it. If a person is offered bail, they should absolutely take that opportunity. Some may decide not to post bail, but we at Glendale Bail Bonds do not quite...

There’s no predicting your reaction to hearing that a loved one has been arrested. Depending on the circumstance, the type of person they are, and how close you are to them, your reaction can be anywhere between shocked to angry, to not even being surprised....

Just like spring presents brighter, happier days, you too can brighten a loved one’s future, by helping them bail out of jail. Jail is not pleasant; it’s dirty, dark, and uncomfortable. It’s miserable and always cold. There is no sign of light (figuratively) and there...

The more prevalent social media becomes in our everyday lives, the more cautious we have to be with what we post on it. Something you post can incriminate you without you initially realizing it. For example, you might have heard that singer and actress Vanessa...

Even if you were recently arrested, you will still be eligible to receive your tax return as long as the IRS finds that you are due to receive one for paying extra taxes during the year. Your arrest will not jeopardize your qualification to receive...

Earlier this month, it was reported that in 2015, a record-breaking number of people were exonerated, meaning they were finally freed after serving time in prison for crimes they were wrongly convicted for. This record-breaking number counts to 149 people, who each spent an average...

Before you agree to a bail bond company and their payment plan they set you up on, you’re going to want to know and be very well versed with the following common terms that are associated with bail and Bail bonds. By knowing and understanding...

As soon as you finish your bail hearing, you are free to post bail as quickly as possible. You cannot post bail any time before your bail hearing because you will not know what amount you would have to pay. The judge at the bail...

You know that if you ever needed to get a bail bond, again, you can always count on Baton Rouge Bail Bonds, right? Whether we were the ones to help you with a bail bond the first time or not, our team will not let...

You're well aware that an apparent arrest would be difficult for any family members to have to deal with, but have you considered how your situation and absence can affect your young children? Young children do not have the developed minds to understand the scope...