Consider this before you even start drinking tonight: that last $8 shot that you're half hesitant on taking could end up costing you thousands. It could be the few ounces of alcohol that tips you past the legal BAC limit, which for Louisiana, is 0.08%....

No bail bond company will give a bail bond for a juvenile. Why? Juveniles go through a different process when they are arrested. Juveniles are not offered bail - they are released to their parent(s) or guardian(s). Louisiana juveniles are constituted as those who are 17...

There is only so much you, or any one person, can do for a stubborn friend or family member. Perhaps now the best thing you can do for them is to “tattle” on them - tell their parents what their child has been up to,...

When you’re getting a bail bond, you should never feel like your privacy is being invaded. Yes, you will have to inform the bail agency of some personal information, but that will all be kept confidential. A bail company like Culver City Bail Bonds Services...

As always, be thankful for your friends and family. It might come off as cliché but you can never be too thankful for these most important people in your life. These are the people who raise you, grow up with you, teach you right from...

Not everyone who gets arrested is guilty of the crime they are accused of. It wouldn’t be fair to make them sit in jail for days and weeks during the trial and ongoing investigation. It would literally be robbing and cheating them from outside life...

It’s quite important to remember that no one is ever perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and has flaws, but everyone is very capable of improving themselves. This includes people who have had or are having brushes with the law. Someone you might know and love dearly...

Louisiana has become the first state to require high schools to have a class on sexual consent for their students. This is the state’s most recent development on this topic, following the move earlier this year to require colleges and universities to adopt a “yes...

No, this is not part of our standardized customer service procedures. Our team, our family here at Westmont Bail Bonds really does understand what you’re going through. While not all of us (120+ agents and representatives) have been in the exact same situations you are...

“Thank you Westmont Bail Bonds Services for being there for me. Very nice staff and good service!” “Great service. They really simplified the process!” “She is very helpful. Alexa is a saint. She does good work.” These are just a few of the many nice things people have...

You may not know your Willowbrook Bail Bonds Services agent too well at first, but know that no matter what you will always have our team on your side. Agents at Willowbrook Bail Bonds Services are the most compassionate, understanding, and real agents in the...