02 Feb If You’re Driving on Valentine’s Day, Don’t Drink and Drive
Valentine’s Day is a special holiday for couples. For many, it’s one of the few days when they allow themselves to go out and have a good time. The problem is that many couples have such a good time that they drink a lot more than they usually would. Many don’t even think about how much they’ve had to drink before they get in their car and try to drive home. As a result, they get pulled over and arrested for DUI on Valentine’s Day, which is not the holiday memory the couple had hoped for.
There’s nothing wrong with going out and celebrating the holiday with your significant other. There’s also nothing wrong with enjoying a few drinks together, provided you are aware of how much you are drinking and how the alcohol impacts your ability to drive safely.
In Louisiana, anyone with a BAC of 0.08% is not legally allowed to operate a vehicle. That amount decreases if you’re operating a commercial vehicle, and there’s a zero-tolerance policy if you’re under 21. While there’s no set formula to determine how many drinks it takes before your BAC reaches 0.08%, the general rule of thumb is that if you drink between 3-6 drinks in an hour, you can’t drive. You will also reach that level if you drink less than 3-6 alcoholic beverages in an hour but consistently drink over several hours. You should also know that it’s possible for your BAC to be near, but not quite at 0.08% when you leave a bar or restaurant, only to increase during your commute.
Getting arrested for a DUI won’t just spoil your Valentine’s Day; it will probably ruin most of your year.
Most of us simply can’t afford to deal with a DUI. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to make sure this Valentine’s Day isn’t ruined by a DUI arrest.
These things include:
- Deciding that you’re not going to drink
- Taking advantage of a rideshare program or calling a cab
- Arranging to have your significant other act as a designated driver
Enjoy a happy and safe Valentine’s Day!