Hey all you social media-loving millennials with quick-texting fingers! How thoughtful are you when it comes to posting content on your personal social media sites like 'Facebook', 'Twitter', 'Instagram', and 'Snapchat'? Are you as careful about posting content as you are about publishing private information...

You may think that Louisiana is all ideal beaches, beautiful sunshine, and has nothing odd to it, but trust us. At Echo Park Bail Bonds, we know that there is plenty weird to Louisiana. Having worked in the bail bond industry for nearly 30 years,...

Once you have been arrested, you have 2 choices: jail, or Baton Rouge Bail Bonds. Picking the right choice should be a no-brainer: Jail Jail is overcrowded with other recently arrested individuals and individuals serving a short-term sentence following their arrest. Some of these people will be...

One might think that someone who is arrested for breaking the law and committing a crime is automatically stripped of their rights. It seems fairly logical - proper punishment, right? Wrong. People who have broken the law and gotten arrested may lose some rights, but...

Mother’s and Father’s Days are both approaching and all that is really wanted is a united family. If you have got a loved one in jail who needs bailing out, contact our team here at Downtown Bail Bonds. We will help you take care of...