Tax returns are treated like free money. Most people either put it into their savings account, or treat themselves to something nice. Some people may choose to use it to pay off a bail bond, which is definitely acceptable. A part of what makes bail...

People associate bail bonds with crime, dangerous people, and jail. All of which, are negative thoughts. At Westwood Bail Bonds, we understand this. However, it is one of our goals to help you see otherwise. We are here to help bail defendants out of jail...

In the justice system, “arraignment” is when a defendant, stands before a judge for the first time. This is not part of the trial. Arraignment occurs after the arrest and booking process, but before the trial. This is when the defendant is formally charged for...

With your loved one’s freedom literally in the hands of a stranger at Beverly Hills Bail Bonds, you must have anxiety running through you. That is in addition to the stress and other emotions you are dealing with knowing that your loved one is sitting...

Though there is no formal legal definition of a “sanctuary city,” the United States is made up of about 300 cities, towns, and counties that call themselves one. These sanctuary cities call themselves so because they have vowed to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation. They...

The Trump Presidency has brought fear to undocumented immigrants now more than ever. With such debate, many cities in the U.S. have vowed to protect its immigrants, and these cities have declared themselves “sanctuary cities.” Sanctuary cities include: San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, and New York. An...

It’s Fun Facts time! Well, these may be fun facts, but truth-be-told, it might not always be fun, especially when we tell you that these fun facts are all laws that you have probably broken before, and didn’t even know. If you still receive mail...