Even for those who have had multiple brushes with the law throughout their lifetime, it’s never too late to get life turned around. We can never give up hope on helping those who can’t seem to stay away from trouble because then they will give...

You’ve caught the travel bug this warm season and you think you’ve got your prepping and packing on lock. But we will bet you’re not thinking about one thing that can either make or break your trip: the laws that govern the place you’re visiting! As...

Congratulations to the Class of 2015! Whether you're finishing high school or college, this is a huge milestone in your life that you will want to celebrate. This is supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life (and your parents!) Naturally you're going...

In major times of conflict, tension between individuals will rise and sometimes, communication and support would be lacking. But when families see their loved one come home from jail, they begin to mend their strain. So, how does the arrested person get out of jail?...

We all have so many friends that it's too hard to count exactly how many. But, if you had to narrow your list down to the ones you trust the Ascension Parish most, you'd probably bring it down to no more than a handful of...

Parents always want to try and "be cool" to their children. They hope that this way their children will not always grow up resenting them for curfews, nagging, and simply not being as cool as so-and-so's Mom or Dad. Well parents, we want to just...

Summer is right at our fingertips and we want to enjoy every minute of every day of it just as much as you do! However, we know that not everyone can smoothly sail the oceans of life this summer. But, if you happen to find...

When you find out that the police have issued a warrant for your arrest, do not panic. First, you should know that you should not try and run from the police. They will find you and your consequences will just be worse. What you should...

It’s nearly 4 AM and you’re rudely awaked by a phone call. On the other line is your sister, calling from jail. She was pulled over just a little while earlier and she blew a .10 BAC. She was on her way home from a...

Do I trust the arrested person enough to appear in court when he or she is asked, as well as oblige by any other court-mandated terms? Do I have enough collateral I would be willing and can afford to put up? Can I make do if the...

If you get a call from someone in jail, it probably means he or she is seeking your help to bail him or her out. They are desperate and remorseful for their actions, ready to face consequences, and will be so grateful for you to...

Sometimes it’s better to talk to someone who doesn’t know you instead of asking your friend for advice or for help. As much as friends want to help out, they may hold back a little because they don’t want to see you down or hurt...