When it is discovered that a child’s parent cannot take care of the child, for whatever reason, protective services take the child away. The child is then placed into foster care until it is decided whether or not the problems at home can be solved. When...

When you hear Spring Break you think of one thing: your college kid going out each day to the beach with alcohol, and then hitting the club at night with alcohol. The scenery may differ but there is always alcohol, your kid’s friends, who you...

Employers are not the only people you should be worried about when you think, “I shouldn’t post that on social media.” These days, friends, family, police officers, activists groups, and even the general public need to be taken into consideration. Everyone is on social media...

baton rouge bail bonds

baton rouge bail bonds When someone you know is arrested the feelings can be overwhelming and can often put you in a panic. It's this panic that crooks thrive on. They can take advantage of your desperation and lack of knowledge about the bail process and you could wind up paying more than you really needed to.