Baton Rouge Bail Bonds was founded nearly 30 years ago in 1987. Since then we have worked non-stop at making bail bonds easier and more affordable for all of our clients. We offer our clients the best deals available and provide the Baton...

If you need to get bailed out of jail to begin putting your life back together then you need help from Baton Rouge Bail Bonds. We have been helping Louisianans get bailed out of jail for the past 28 years. We have bailed...

If you have found yourself in the unfortunate position of getting arrested, you will hope that your best friend will be there for you. You can always count on an Baton Rouge Bail Bonds bail agent to be there for you when you need...

Change may not always be a bad thing. People like routine, they like what they know and are used to. They are more often than not, scared of change. Even more so, they are scared when change happens within themselves or a friend because they...

Many bail bond companies look for ways they can securely receive the most money from clients as fast as possible so they can move on to another person quickly. They’re less concerned with your satisfaction of their services, leaving you feel used. Your family is...

When your husband or wife gets arrested, you’re faced with the stress and worry about how to get them out of jail, but you’re also concerned about how you’re going to explain the incident to your young children who just want to know where their...

Getting arrested in your state of residence is troublesome enough, but getting arrested for a crime in a state that is not your U.S. state of residence is even more of a hassle. Here’s what you need to know: That state in which a person is...

Even though tax season is far away, if you need to pay for bail, you might be wondering (and hoping) if it is tax deductible. Well, the answer to that is no, bail is not tax deductible. Even though it is a payment being made...

You are your own harshest critic, as am I, as is everyone. Failure and disappointment bring us down so much we lose sight of the possibilities of achievement and success. Just because something went wrong doesn’t mean a person should give up on themselves, even...

The best thing you might ever do for your best friend is to turn them in to the police. As drastic as it might sound, it could be the reason he or she really takes a look at how they are living their life and...

Whether you make $500,000 per year or $50,000, if you have the have the option to post bail after getting arrested, you should do it. Right off the bat you think you can’t afford that expensive bail that the judge just set. But if you...

As your father, you expect him to be the one to give you growing up advice, giving you dating tips (or scaring off every boy or girl who wants to date you), lecture you about stuff you've forgotten, teach you sports and how to ride...