At Bell Bail Bonds, we offer discounts to qualified clients. We will work with you to setup a customized payment plan that fits into your budget. We strive to be better than our competitors, and will never surprise you with fees. We do our best...

We mean it when we say you should never be embarrassed to need a bail bond. For one, our team at Bell Bail Bonds Services is not about judging what you or your loved one has done. And two, this is a way to show...

Your motivation for bailing out of jail and representing yourself properly should be your family (and that includes you in the picture). Now more than ever do you have something to prove to your family, yourself, and anyone else who is aware of the situation. This...

If someone you are close to was arrested, would you not do everything in your power to get him or her out of jail? The answer is, or course, yes, but do you know how to rescue a loved one from jail? Fear not, because...

For kids, the best Christmas gifts are toys and clothes. For adults, the best gifts are simply spending time with family. There may be a literal price for this to happen (airline tickets, etc.), but in the end, it truly feels priceless. Having to pay...