If the police intend to arrest you, do not resist arrest, no matter what. This is a bit of advice that can be more powerful than you think. Resisting arrest is actually a misdemeanor crime in itself that can be punishable by a fine and/ or...

Halloween can be two totally different holidays between children and adults. For children, it’s about dressing up and going trick-or-treating. For adults, it’s about dressing up and going to a party, or parties. And with Halloween landing on a Sunday this year, there will definitely be no rest...

Dirty. Dark. Uncomfortable. Isolation. Dangerous. These are all terms that describe jail, where your loved one is right now. Yet, they shouldn’t have to be there. You can get them out of jail and back home to you where they are safe and surrounded by...

Can we at Baton Rouge Bail Bonds Services give you a handful of things to worry less about? We know you’re going through a very difficult time right now with so many things to worry about regarding your loved one’s arrest. On top of that,...

Sometimes, handling an issue by ourselves is not enough. Sometimes, getting help from friends or family is also not enough. It is these sometimes that you should seek professional help: a therapist, rehab, community support groups, and a bail agent. These are the groups and...

Louisiana has some pretty lax driving laws (Louisiana roll stop, lane splitting, going with the flow of traffic instead of the posted speed limit on freeways) but that doesn’t mean you won’t ever geta ticket for them, and that definitely doesn’t mean you should ignore...

Bail is offered for most criminals but in extreme cases, a judge will deny bail altogether for a criminal deemed too dangerous and crime too horrendous. For example, a man responsible for the awful death of a young 2 year old girl in Boston was...

Louisiana drivers, there’s a new program that can help you pay off outstanding tickets and still be in possession of your license. The program is identified as the Louisiana Vehicle Code 42008.8 and is a traffic ticket amnesty program. By enrolling in this program, Louisiana drivers...

Not being able to afford bail may not be a problem - cash isn’t the only way you can pay for bail. It’s expensive and can be very tough to get that kind of money so quickly. Thankfully, there are various forms of bail so...

Who says role models have to be people who are older than you are? Age doesn’t matter. It’s the qualities and characteristics of the role model that matters. Some younger people might be very mature and wise for their age. Some older people may have...

It’s not always easy to ask for help, especially if that person is in trouble. When friends and family begin to notice odd behavior in a loved one, it might be a clue to step in and see if they are okay. Here are some...

How you represent yourself (dress, act, speak) in court is very important. It does affect the ease of the trial and even the outcome. So, it’s best to practice wise court etiquette: Dress in business attire. Remove sunglasses and hats. When standing, stand up straight. Speak only when...