Don’t be afraid to admit that you tend to overlook how blessed you are in life – we’ve all there with you every day. We may not necessarily be taking things and people for granted – a home, a family, education, work, food, transportation, leisure...

No matter where we go, we always want excellent, top-notch customer service – be it at a restaurant, a resort, or a retail shop. However we know that that is not always the case and while it may be a little off-putting, it’s not a...

A judge will set bail for an arrested individual during his or her bail hearing. This is money that will be paid to the court so the arrested individual can be released from custody. By posting bail, the arrested individual promises to return and stand...

We are almost five months into 2015 and you probably don’t know a lot of the 900 new Louisiana laws passed in January, huh? Well, we’re here to highlight some of the biggest changes because it’s very important to simply be aware – so you...

Family members - they can be all sorts of fun, loving, overbearing, and annoying at times. But that sounds pretty typical to every family and it quickly becomes easy to deal with. And though you don't want to admit it, you might even miss quirky...