Aren’t you so grateful for payment plans? For Coachella, Disneyland passes, mortgage, even bail bond payments! Yep, even the things we don’t want to be paying for because it’s not for personal pleasure offer payment plans. The purpose of bail bond payments is to ensure...

By now you probably have heard the whole “you have the right to remain silent” spiel. You know that as an arrested person, you can decline interrogation until your lawyer is present. But, do you know how this right came about? It took years...

Mother-son relationships are one of the most unique relationships. In true fashion, mothers will always be protective of their sons (as she would be of any of her offspring). Sons, in return, will also always be protective of their mothers. This is a unique bond...

As you research for a bail bond company to help you out during this stressful time, you’re of course going to be looking out for a company who is affordable, trustworthy, and reliable. The standard cost for the services of a bail agent is 12% of...

Louisiana is no stranger to floods of immigrants trying to live the American Dream. But doing so can pose a huge challenge. More than Americans, they must be on their absolute best behavior, if you will, so they can secure citizenship, a process that can...

Contact Baton Rouge Bail Bonds if an important person in your life has been put into jail. Our family-owned company has worked with all types of families and individuals to post bail and bring their loved one home. Every person has a different story as...

We are not talking about basketball. We’re talking about something much more serious – a Louisiana law that was put into effect over 10 years ago. Here are the terms: A defendant who has two or more previous convictions is sentenced to a minimum of 25...

What’s more challenging than getting arrest for a crime is getting arrested in a state you do not reside in. State has jurisdiction, meaning they can prosecute any crime that occurs in that state. So, if you are a Louisiana resident visiting Texas, and you are...

Bail exists to uphold the “innocent until proven guilty” protection. This means that a recently arrested person who has yet to stand in court can go about their regular lives during their days between arrest and court. They can go to work, to school, spend...

You may have heard the term “citizens arrest” before and you probably wondered what that meant. The police arrest people. Citizens don’t have that authority. But, in certain and uncommon situations, private individuals can have that power to arrest another without a warrant. Here’s how...

Crimes are categorized into infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. Infractions are harmless crimes like traffic tickets, littering, and graffiti. Offenders must pay fines or perform community service for violations. Misdemeanors are crimes like theft and some physical assaults and offenders are generally punished with a fine, community...

America does not have the room or funds to keep every arrested person in jail. That’s very unfortunate to think about – we have THAT many criminals? It is also not fair to those who are truly innocent of a crime to be kept in...