Whenever someone might be arrested, it can become very easy for them to give up on themselves. They’ve gotten themselves into a very tough situation and now they’re behind bars. I’m sure you can understand how it would be difficult for them to see anything...

If you thought that explaining the story behind “Santa Claus” isn’t real to your children was difficult, imagine having to explain to them the fact that ‘Mommy’ or ‘Daddy’ was arrested and put in jail for doing something really bad, and was unable to come...

Bail bonds always receive a negative connotation because it is a concept that releases suspected, not yet convicted or acquitted individuals from jail. Many people think that those out on bail will simply skip town and ignore court. However, they don’t really know all of...

The bail bond process is complicated, yet simplified with Mojave Bail Bonds. We know that you really don’t want to cause any more unnecessary issues. This would just complicate the process, waste time, possibly delay the defendant’s release, and potentially, jeopardize the status of...